Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Collaboration with SME Ecreall

The transformation chain used in the DaRT Embedded System modeling approach involves several models automatically generated. This work aims to be able to modify directly ones of the generated model, and let the modification be propagated in both direction to other models of the chain. Not all changes can be propagated, a part of this work will be to identify changes that can be propagated. This work is done in collaboration with Ecreall (http://www.ecreall.com/ ), a small company involved in developing web collaborative portals. The first step of the work was to align MDE practice of the company to the DaRT practice. A first transformation chain has been developed. It allows to model collaborative portals, transform it in intermediate models, and then generate the code for a targeted technology (dolmen). This work will reuse results from the Traceability.